While all DUI offenses should be taken seriously, there are many steps that can be taken to help your life return to normal. A criminal defense attorney with expertise in DUIs can advise you of your legal rights following your charges.
Following a DUI conviction, your driving privileges may be restored after a brief suspension. The circumstances of your arrest and conviction will determine how quickly you are able to have driving privileges. For instance, if you refused a breathalyzer test at the time of your original stop, your license will be suspended for the pretrial period and you will not be eligible for reinstated driving privileges. Refusal of the breath test will result in 120 day suspension of your license. A DUI lawyer at Dickman Law Offices can assist in exploring your options if you face a pretrial suspension. If you did not refuse the breathalyzer or blood test, and this is your first DUI offense, then your driver’s license should not be suspended in Kentucky.
Hardship Driving Privileges Following a DUI Conviction in Kentucky
The normal time of suspension for a first offense DUI is 30-120 days. You may be able to attain hardship driving privileges after 30 days for driving to work, school, alcohol treatment program, DUI classes or medical appointments.
Know your Rights for Your DUI Conviction
If you have been arrested for a DUI, you should seek the counsel of Paul Dickman in Covington, Kentucky. Dickman Law has the criminal defense expertise to guard your rights throughout your DUI case.